Remove WordPress Version

February 21, 2014

This WordPress plugin does one thing: removes the WordPress version from the meta tag, RSS feed, and the version parameter from CSS and JavaScript files also found in the HTML head. There really isn’t much to this, and it should work on all of the current versions of WordPress (3.0+), but has been tested with the most current (as of this post) 3.8.1

Why should I use this plugin when I can just put the code into my functions.php file?

Sure, you can do that. But the functions.php file is theme-specific. Which means, when you update or change your theme, it will be over-written and/or removed. So unless you remember to replace the code each time after such an event, your site is vulnerable again.

So this plugin will persist on my WordPress installation no matter which theme is activated, or if a theme is updated?

Yeah. It’s actually the preferred method to making any (necessary) changes to a functions.php file. With a plugin version of this, or any other code, it will persist no matter which theme is loaded up, before or after theme has been updated, or for that matter even before or after the WordPress Core has been updated. Since this is a plugin, as long as it’s activated, your WordPress version number will be removed.

Before And After

screen_before     screen_after

Download it here:


Usage and Directions:

  1. Upload and install the Remove Version (RemVer) Plugin zip file in the Plugins Menu (Plugins > Add New > Upload)
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. Go to your homepage, CTRL+U to view source, and verify that the version number has been removed from Meta, as well as the parameters on your JS and CSS files

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