Text Anyone
January 6, 2012
Website and Application Development
2005, 2007, 2010, 2016
Text Anyone is an online mobile service application. Send free SMS text messages to anyone from your computer or mobile device.
web developement, SMS gateway interface, message delivery scripting, SEO, Google Analytics and Adsense configuration
PHP, HTML/CSS, jQuery, JS, Photoshop, Illustrator
Text Anyone has been around since 2005 providing free text messages long before the iPhone and subsequent iPhone applications have. There were feature requests and upgrades to be developed and deployed in the backend which increased speed and reliability of messages being deilvered.
The decision was made to provide an address book as a value-add, but quickly ran into two issues: 1) how to simplify the process to “conversate”, and 2) relieving the burden and liability of storing user data on the server. A cookies-based addressed book was developed. Cookies are a client side technology; there is no need for users to log into an account, and the data (phone numbers) are stored on the user’s own computer. So this solution filled the needs of the two requirements perfectly.
In addition to this re-birth of sorts, a WordPress blog was integrated to the existing design, and required a custom theme.
Most recently, there has been a significant redesign of the front-end; now officially being mobile responsive and offering a more pleasing UX. In the back-end, functionality has been expanded to multiple countries, including Canada, France, Argentina, and China.
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