Barry Ko
I’m an Internet professional based in California. Much of my career in this industry has been focused on Web Development, User Interface Design, Search Relevance, Analytics, and a bit of scripting. As such, I like to label myself as a Web Technologist.
Much of the content this website contains are pieces of knowledge I use myself; it serves as a resource to me and to those who are looking to improve upon their Web Presence and Website Usability themselves. I believe in knowledge-sharing, and enabling people to grasp the ideas and technologies of our industry.
In short, this repository allows me to share my knowledge of SEO fundamentals, design solutions and general web hackery to anyone who’s interested in it.
If you’d like to connect with me on Facebook or LinkedIn, do so with the links located in the footer. If you need to get in touch, drop me an email or give me a call.
E-Mail: b@barryko.com
Telephone: (510) WWW-HTML